Still Life: Primitive

Still Life: Primitive, originally uploaded by rbaez.

Still Life: Compositional Study

Still Life: Compositional Study, originally uploaded by rbaez.

Still Life: Impressions

Still Life: impressions, originally uploaded by rbaez.

Still Life Series: Ellegance

Still Life Series: Ellegance, originally uploaded by rbaez.

Still Life Series: Sketch

Still Life Series: Sketch, originally uploaded by rbaez.

Still Life Series: Deep inside

Still Life Series: Deep inside, originally uploaded by rbaez.

Still Life Series: Another point oif view

Still Life Series: Another point oif view

{in doubt}

Still Life series: Solo

Still Life series: Solo, originally uploaded by rbaez.

Still Life Series: Trio

Still Life Series: Trio, originally uploaded by rbaez.

Still Life Series : Quartet

Still Life Series : Quartet, originally uploaded by rbaez.

Still Life Series: Togetherness

Still Life Series: Togetherness

Still Life Series: Lying in calm

Still Life Series: Lying in calm

{Quietude and good company}

Still Life Series #5

Still Life Series #5


Still Life Series #4

Still Life Series #4


Mi Matica ( my small plant)

Mi Matica ( my small plant), originally uploaded by rbaez.

At my old office,
bored and no destiny at sight.

{art is every where}

Art is everywhere

Art is everywhere, originally uploaded by rbaez.

{Art is}

Still Life Series: #3

Still Life Series: #3, originally uploaded by rbaez.

{love of color}

S A L E S information

Still Life Series: #2

Still Life Series: #2, originally uploaded by rbaez.

{Love of color}

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Still Life Series: #1

Still Life Series: #1, originally uploaded by rbaez.

{love of pure color}

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Fruits:Thoughts and Sketches (III)

Fruits: thoughts and sketches, originally uploaded by rbaez.

{from my notebook}

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Fruits : Thoughts and Sketches (II)

Fruits : Thoughts and sketches I, originally uploaded by rbaez.

{from my notebook}

S A L E S information

Fruits: Thoughts and Sketches

Fruits: Thoughts and Sketches, originally uploaded by rbaez.

{from my notebook}

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Zen Series: Divided

Zen Series: Divided, originally uploaded by rbaez.

{leaves and branch}

S A L E S information

De-Focused Series

De-Focused Series

Compositional Study: Sofa & Lamp

Solitude Series: Syncopated

S A L E S information, originally uploaded by rbaez.

Solitude Series: Charca = Fuente?

S A L E S information, originally uploaded by rbaez.

Solitude Series: Musical

S A L E S information, originally uploaded by rbaez.


Zen Series 3

Zen Series #3
S A L E S information, originally uploaded by rbaez.

{red composition}

Zen Series

zenseries #2
S A L E S information, originally uploaded by rbaez.

{Flower/Concrete} = Reality #1

Series Lonely #3

Series Lonely #3, originally uploaded by rbaez.

Stoic:one apparently or professedly indifferent to pleasure or pain
S A L E S information

Series Lonely #4

Series Lonely #4, originally uploaded by rbaez.

Tropical, but lonely and grim
S A L E S information

Series Lonely #2

Series Lonely #2, originally uploaded by rbaez.

Solitude a la Van Gogh
S A L E S information

Series Lonely #1

Series Lonely #1, originally uploaded by rbaez.

Solitude {pure}
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Zen Series: Leaf #3

Zen Series: Leaf #3, originally uploaded by rbaez.

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Zen Series: Leaf #2

Zen Series: Leaf #2, originally uploaded by rbaez.

Humbly {being}
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Zen Series: Leaf #1

Zen Series: Leaf #1, originally uploaded by rbaez.

S A L E S information

Museum Series: Window to my world

Museum Series: Window to my world, originally uploaded by rbaez.

S A L E S information

Museum Series: Window to my world #2

Crossing {not allowed}
S A L E S information

Museum Series: Museo Alejandro Otero

Living:{Transcendental Space}
S A L E S information

Museum Series

Museum Series, originally uploaded by rbaez.

Just watching the exhibition
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Museum Series

Museum Series, originally uploaded by rbaez.

Composition: Stairs & Window
S A L E S information

Saturday on the park

saturday on thepark, originally uploaded by rbaez.

{A future probable,
being lived and enjoyed?}
S A L E S information

B&W Series:dreams sequel

dreams sequel
S A L E S information, originally uploaded by rbaez.

B&W Series: dreams

dreams, originally uploaded by rbaez.

Tender Series: At sunrise

Tender Series: At sunrise

What else could be more pleasing and intriguing to notice
the past enclosed in the quietness of the sunrise first lights?
S A L E S information

De-focused Series: Boardwalk

De-focused Series: Boardwalk

si pudiera vivir nuevamente mi vida....
en la proxima trataria de cometer mas errores.
no intentaria ser perfecto, me relajaria mas
seria mas tonto de lo que he sido, de hecho
tomaria muy pocas cosas con seriedad
seria menos higienico
correria mas riesgos, haria mas viajes, contemplaria mas atardeceres,
subiria mas montañas, nadaria mas rios.
iria a lugares a donde nunca he ido,
comeria mas helados y menos habas, tendria mas
problemas reales y menos imaginarios

yo fui de esas personas que vivio sensata y
prolificamente cada minuto de su vida,
claro que tuve momentos de alegria.
pero si pudiera volver atras trataria de tener solamente buenos momentos
por si lo saben, de eso esta hecha la vida,
solo de momentos, no te pierdas el "ahora".
yo era de esos que nunca iban a ninguna parte si un termometro,
una bolsa de agua caliente, un paragua y un paracaidas,

si pudiera volver a vivir, viajaria mas liviano.
si pudiera volver a vivir comenzaria a andar
descalzo a principios de la primavera y seguiria
asi hasta concluir el otono.
daria mas vueltas en calesita, contemplaria mas
amaneceres y jugaria con mas ninos,

si tuviera otra vez la vida por delante.
pero ya ven tengo 85 anos y se que me estoy muriendo.

jorge luis borges
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Gloomy Series: alone in nature

Gloomy Series: alone in nature

{Search, equillibrium, serenity}
S A L E S information

Solitude Series: Important on its own.

Solitude Series: Important on its own.

{Art is a State of Mind}
S A L E S information